Monday, April 13, 2009


I've got nothing...

Sunday, April 12, 2009


After six games the new and improved Rangers are sitting at .500. What a disappointing road trip after the start they had. To be real honest the Rangers didn't look that bad today outside of the bullpen. If this team is going to get anywhere this year the bullpen is going to have to improve one way or another. Whether it be by the pitchers already here getting better or dipping down into the minors and just letting the season play out.

This might be thehomer in me but I really do think the Rangers are on the verge of turning this ship around and will compete for the West next year. We just need to hang on this year because it is going to be a bumpy road this year.

Bring back the RED uniforms damn it!

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Ok let's try something new.

Just something fun that I might do from time to time. Things we have learned in the first five games of the season. Elvis is good but still young. Out side of the first game in Detroit the pitching hasn't been bad. The defense is better than last year but still sporadic and the offense can flat out hit. I know it's a small sample size but I will take 3 out of five all season long. At that pace the Rangers would win 96 games and probably walk away with the division title. Now I don't think they will win 96 games but I really don't think 85-90 games are out of reach.

Kevin Millwood tosses tomorrow against the Tigers. I expect a win and the Rangers get back on track. If the Rangers are to have a good year this year Millwood and Padilla are going to have to lead the way.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

2 and

With last night 8-5 win over the Indians improved to 2-0 for the first time since the 2000 season. The pitching was a little off of what it was on Opening Day but If Padilla can give you and outing like that I will take that all year long. Although I would like to see him get into the 6th and even 7th inning. The defense was a little sloppy last night with three throwing errors, all to tall or wide for Chris Davis. It doesn't look like the Rangers miss Milton Bradley so far.

Nellie Cruz hit a couple of bombs and Elvis did leave the building last night getting his first big league homer. He is quickly becoming my new favorite player.

It looks like the Rangers have a little hop in there step this year as opposed to the last few years. We can only hope this will continue. From a fans point of view this is as excited as I have been about the Rangers for sometime. Bmac is up next. I hope he can keep the good felling going. It's a 1:05 game today and is on KRLD/105.3 FM and FSN SW.

Let's go Rangers!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Opening Day!

Man I'm so giddy today I can't wait until 1:05 gets here. This will be the game day thread. Let's talk some Rangers baseball because as we all know baseball is a talking sport.


Sunday, April 5, 2009

Between The Lines

When I step between the lines, I become a legend. With my head held high and hat to my chest, the words "Oh say! can you see," remind me of what I am: A catalyst of tradition, striving to measure up to the heroes of past and present. Through countless hours of dedication and hard work, I live my dream. My heart is filled with true love for this game knowing I, too, could be one of the all-time greats. I exist solely to experience the senses that are unmistakable and scared to "America's Game." The smell of freshly cut grass. The distinct sound of a ball meeting the bat. Sensations of holding the glove to my face as the sun warms the back of my neck. These are the immortal rewards in baseball. This passionate game has created who I am, a member of an elite group: The Boys of Summer. Then I hear those timeless words of "PLAY BALL!" which once again remind me game time has arrived. It has always been at this very moment, between these lines, that I become frozen in time, when I am pure! And now, as the sun paints another beautiful picture of our national pastime, my heart begins to question who the better player will be today. Who has worked harder? Who will be tougher? Who wants it more? No matter who this may be, the humbling game of baseball will neither care nor remember the next time we step Between The Lines.

--Unknown Author

Are you ready yet?

Travis Metcalf...DFA'd

There you have it folks the last to be moved to make room for the 40 man. You know what I don't even care. I'm just ready to get the season going. Man I'm so jacked up about tomorrow I don't think I will be able to sleep tonight. As most of you know this is Christmas for baseball fans.

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