Saturday, April 4, 2009

T-minus 40 hours

The Rangers ended their Spring Training on a sour note in a loss to the Royals. The bullpen unable to shut Kansas City down after the Rangers rallied twice to tie the score. Josh Rupe and Madrigal both gave up runs to keep the win just out of reach. This is what I fear most about the season.

I believe the rotation will keep the Rangers in games all season if for nothing else because of the offense but only to lose games in the late innings. If the middle relievers can't get the ball to CJ in the eighth and to Fx2 in the ninth you have to hope the offense can make up the difference.

I'm not going to be a traditional blogger in a sense I just give facts and numbers. What you are going to get most of the season with me is raw emotions as how fans react. So right up front you might come here and see some knee jerk reactions and other stuff I'm spewing after a loss or I might drink too much Kool Aid if the Rangers get on a roll. The one thing I will do is throw up a thread on game day so we can comment on the game.

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